1195B - Sport Mafia - CodeForces Solution

binary search brute force math *1000

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Python Code:

n, k = input().split(" ")
n = int(n)
k = int(k)

def works(value):
    total_candies_provisioned = (value * (value + 1)) // 2
        return total_candies_provisioned - (n - value) - k

def binary_search():
    if n == 1:
        return 0

    L = 0
    R = 10 ** 9

    while L <= R:
        mid = (L + R) // 2
        result = works(mid)

        if result == 0:
            return n - mid
        elif result < 0:
            L = mid + 1
            R = mid - 1


C++ Code:

#define ll long long int
#define whole(v) v.begin(),v.end()
#define rwhole(v) v.rbegin(),v.rend()
#define endl '\n'
#define pb push_back
#define Speedforce ios_base::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0);

using namespace std;

ll egcd(ll a, ll b)
    if(a%b == 0) return b;
    else return egcd(b, a%b);

int main()
    ll t, n, d, i, j, k, x, y, tmp, tmp1;
    cin >> x >> y;
    ll high = x, low = 1, mid = (high+low)/2;
    d = (mid*(mid+1)/2);
    ll ate = x-mid;
    ll left = d-ate;
        if(left == y) break;
        else if(left > y)
            high = mid;
            mid = (high+low)/2;
            d = (mid*(mid+1)/2);
            ate = x - mid;
            left = d-ate;
            low = mid;
            mid = (high+low)/2;
            d = (mid*(mid+1)/2);
            ate = x - mid;
            left = d-ate;

    cout << ate << endl;



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